

Managing customer journeys, optimizing tracking and deliveries, and ensuring compliance with service level agreements (SLAs) can present significant challenges for organizations that choose to outsource their business process services.

Integrated Analytics Platform

Transform conversations with analytics.The big difference is AI

NuRe FutureTech’s IAP is a conversation analytics tool powered by AI that measures and leverages actionable intelligence from every customer- agent interaction in real-time to impact experiences, service-delivery levels, team performance, quality metrics, strategy, and governance.


Components of IAP

Combining the strengths of AI tools and humans, NuRe FutureTech’s  IAP delivers seamless workflows and agent efficiencies.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Machine Learning (ML)

Text Analysis

Speech Recognition


Harness the power of conversational intelligence.

Combining the strengths of AI tools and humans, NuRe FutureTech’s IAP delivers seamless workflows and agent efficiencies.

Aggregates data from various agent sources across geographies and environments.
Uses Omni channel strategy to monitor customer experiences at every touchpoint.
Analyzes chat and voice transcripts, and customer data using speaker diarization for accurate interpretation of every interaction.
Understands the nuances of every conversation using sentiment analyses, key metrics, and the context of interaction.
NuRe FutureTech’s IAP

NuRe FutureTech’s IAP – The competitive dynamic.

The biggest advantage this tool offers is the precision with which it extracts insight. Using AI and NLP tools it derives business intelligence from the customer’s own words, where you hear what they are saying and also what they are not saying to deliver maximum information.It also delivers a flexible engagement model where you can scale the tool tailored to your business demands, without committing to an annual plan or minimum agent numbers.

Provides access to descriptive, predictive, and prescribed analytics.
Helps easy interaction with data through dynamic and collaborative visualizations.

Use Cases

Effective Business Leadership

IAP aids the development of a data-driven organizational strategy that aligns people and business objectives.

Human Resource Management

IAP supports research-backed approaches to analyze and enhance employee engagement and experience strategies.



IAP provides effective insights into the perception of messages, campaigns, and tactics, and enables marketers to make informed decisions.



IAP delivers business intelligence on upsell, cross-sell interactions and a clear picture of deals, and revenue intelligence based on actual KPIs and metrics.



IAP delivers business intelligence on upsell, cross-sell interactions and a clear picture of deals, and revenue intelligence based on actual KPIs and metrics.


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